Lymphedema Management

Lymphedema is a chronic condition that results from the accumulation of lymphatic fluid in tissues, causing swelling and discomfort. This condition often affects the limbs and can result from a variety of causes, including surgery, trauma, infections, or congenital factors. Lymphedema can be classified as either primary (genetic) or secondary (acquired).

Understanding the risk factors associated with lymphedema is vital for prevention and early intervention:

  1. Surgical Procedures: Surgeries that involve lymph node removal or damage to lymphatic vessels increase the risk of lymphedema.
  2. Radiation Therapy: Radiation can damage lymphatic vessels, leading to impaired drainage and swelling.
  3. Trauma or Infections: Injuries or infections that affect the lymphatic system can contribute to the development of lymphedema.

Common Treatments for Lymphedema Management

At Core One Physical Therapy, we offer a range of evidence-based treatments to effectively manage lymphedema and improve your quality of life:

  1. Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD): A specialized massage technique that stimulates lymphatic flow and reduces swelling.
  2. Compression Therapy: The use of compression garments or bandages to support the reduction of swelling and maintain results.
  3. Decongestive Exercises: Tailored exercises to enhance lymphatic circulation and improve muscle function, supporting fluid drainage.
  4. Skin Care and Hygiene: Providing guidance on proper skincare practices to prevent infections and minimize complications.

Most Treated Lymphedema Conditions

Our expertise extends to treating a variety of lymphedema conditions, including:

  1. Secondary Lymphedema: Providing comprehensive strategies to manage lymphedema resulting from surgeries, radiation, or trauma.
  2. Primary Lymphedema: Offering specialized treatments for genetically-based lymphedema to improve quality of life.
  3. Lipedema Management: Differentiating between lymphedema and lipedema and providing tailored strategies for effective management.
  4. Postsurgical Lymphatic Complications: Addressing postoperative lymphatic complications to promote healing and prevent long-term issues.
  5. Lymphatic Filariasis: Managing the effects of lymphatic filariasis, a parasitic infection that can lead to lymphedema.

At Core One Physical Therapy, we understand that lymphedema can impact your daily life and emotional well-being. Our comprehensive approach is designed to provide you with both short-term relief and long-term solutions.

Our commitment extends beyond the treatment room. We empower you with education about self-care practices, helping you manage your condition and maintain results.

Initiate Your Journey to Relief Today

Lymphedema doesn’t have to define your life. With Core One Physical Therapy, you have a dedicated team ready to guide you through personalized treatments and strategies. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and embark on your journey towards effective lymphedema management, improved comfort, and enhanced quality of life.